Our first Cooking School. The goal of the class was to test out the theory of cooking all day, experiment with recipies to make food to our liking and compare cooking utensils amongst the friends.
Boy did we have a lot of cookies.
Things we learned about cooking, life and cooking classes:
- It is easier to cream butter if it is soft or you have a mixer.
- They don’t sell unsalted butter for people on low sodium diets.
- Marla and Elizabeth both have real nice mixers. We are all jealous. (Well, I am.)
- Too many cooks won't spoil the soup if each cook has his own soup.
- No cook's soup tastes the same, even if they all start out with the same recipe.
- Neiman Marcus cookie recipe makes a LOT of cookies.
- We should make different things next time because making cookies is boring after a while. :)
- It is good to have separate "escape zones" in a home when you are first starting out in a relationship.
- More cheese and more wine next time.
- Kids are great as helpers, especially if they don't mind cleaning up after you.
- Ballroom is great. (Actually we didn't learn this. I just thought I'd add it, since I know how true it is.)
The recipe in case you want to make them again.
Buy the mixer Marla and Elizabeth have: